Apr 4, 2009

Victim’s mentality nice one............ (From the book Accept your Abundance)

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime. Teach a victim how to fish and he’ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day!

Ever heard your friends telling i am in this situation because things went wrong, i missed the interview, I'm unlucky, etc, etc. Here's excerpts from my favorite book Accept your Abundance

-----------------------------------Ever heard your friends telling i am in this situation because things went wrong, i missed the interview, I'm unlucky, etc, etc.Here's excerpts from my favorite book Accept your Abundance
If that job was so important to your life, you should have left 45 minutes earlier. But victims don’t think that way. And when you spend too much time around victims, you start to think like they do.

Don’t get me wrong. I would love nothing better than to see Greg and all my other "victim" friends become prosperous. But I can’t drag then across the finish line. And you can’t do it with your friends either. The best thing you can do is limit your exposure to them when they want to be a victim, and support them when they are wiling to make a real effort to grow their consciousness.

It doesn’t serve you to drown in despair with them.

I think the problem he and many other people face is that deep down on a subconscious level, he feels unworthy of those blessings. The problem as I see it is not that he doesn’t believe in God’s love – it is that he feels he is unworthy of that love.

And that is an issue for millions of people.

Yes lots of rich people check into rehab clinics. That’s because they can afford them! Have you seen the price of a rehab stay?

Poor people OD and kill themselves every day. In fact, a lot more of them than rich people. You just don’t see it on CNN, because most people aren’t interested in what happens to some broke bricklayer. "The poor bloke blew his brains out. What a shame. Can you pass the mashed potatoes please?"

But if we learn that someone rich and famous blew his brains out – that’s good news! Because it feeds our subconscious programming that it is spiritual to be poor, and those rich people are just getting their just desserts.

This Seeker’s Bible goes on to talk about people’s tendency to want bigger and better. It says, "You would think after earning their first million, people would be satisfied – but it never happens. They make a thousand and they want two thousand. A million, five million. Five million, twenty million – and so on."

It goes on to quote King Solomon, "Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied." And then someone named Joy Davidson, who says, "Living for his own pleasure is the least pleasurable thing a man can do; if his neighbor doesn’t kill him in disgust, he will die slowly of boredom and powerlessness."

Now we’re getting to the stuff that religion does better than anyone. Guilt!

You have a thousand and you want two thousand? You greedy bugger. You should be ashamed of yourself! Will you never be satisfied?

In another quote from "The Seeker’s Bible," it says, "The Bible clearly identifies our serious problem as sin. Sin is not just an act but the actual nature of our being. In other words, we are not sinners because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners! We are born with a nature to do wrong...We are not basically good – we are basically sinful. This sinfulness spills out into everything we do."

Yeesh! What a belief that is! Now can you imagine how you will feel about yourself – and becoming prosperous – if you are raised believing that? Imagine the subliminal programming of hearing preaching like that over a period of years.

What would you think if I told you that this continuous desire for more comes from your Spiritual nature – and not your ‘groveling sorry sinner who will rot and burn in Hell with gnashing of teeth’ nature? What if I told you that it is "Divine Dissatisfaction" that keeps you growing, developing, and attaining a higher level of consciousness?

And this is not to say that only having material things will make you happy. They won’t. You have to have people you want to share them with. And you must be spiritually grounded. But the point I want you to really get, is that having a desire for these things is not bad – it’s Divine! It’s what drives you to reach higher and do more, which moves you to a higher level of consciousness!
So why might you not be accepting all the abundance that is meant for you?

Because you’ve been programmed that money is bad, rich people are evil, and it is spiritual to be poor. And this programming started when you were an infant.

If you are overweight and out of shape, it’s good to know that those who are very thin aren’t necessarily happy. Because let’s face it, that would really be too much. If we knew that they were thin and happy – that might be more than we can bear.

Most people spend all day parroting useless information they were programmed from gossip and the various media outlets. As much as we love them, some of our best friends can unwittingly be our worst enemies just by being themselves. They'll talk about how bad the economy is, the latest train wreck they heard about on the news, someone's heart attack, or who's cheating on whom. You need to make sure that people do not sabotage your philosophy of abundance.

If you have ever heard me present my "Conquer Self-Doubt, Create Destiny" keynote speech, then you’ve heard me talk about the movie "Titanic." This is probably the most evil movie ever made; programming you on level after level that money is bad, rich people are evil, and it is spiritual to be poor. So of course it became the most popular movie of all time.

As I dug deeper into the research, I came up with another core motivation. I believe that manifesting difficult challenges is simply another way to hold on to being a victim! We create more challenges because it allows us to get sympathy from others, we have an excuse for failure, and we don’t have to feel responsible for not succeeding. It’s the ultimate cop-out.

It allows us to lie to ourselves. We figure that no one can say we didn’t give it our best shot. We can say," I gave it my all but I: didn’t have the connections/was from the wrong side of the tracks/am the wrong color/don’t have the education required." It is a built in validation for a life of mediocrity.
