Apr 1, 2009

Belief comes first. Results come second.

Success to is 90% mental and 10% mechanical.

Do you realize that the average person watches 6 hours of TV per day? That equals 42 hours a week and 168 hours a month. So that means in one month, they watched approximately 6,720 commercials and has accumulated seven full 24-hour days worth of mostly useless and often lack-centered information.
For every hour you were listening to the radio, you put even more commercials and useless information into your brain. If you just listened to the radio in your car, you might be subjected to 5 to 10 hours of status quo information per week, or 20 to 40 hours per month.

Media has a big role in shaping our perception of success, happiness, and money. For example ever heard on Radio "This is your last chance to win 10 lakhs ", "Britney the most popular and successful singer admitted to rehabilitation center(you will not want to become popular and successful)",“Mr. X is always at the office, generating the millions...” what does that program? Our subconscious mind gets these information and make them our reality.

We were not born with our own opinions, choices and mindsets all these we acquired from our surroundings, our family, neighborhood, friends and relatives. we are highly receptive, we take all the information coming to us from our surrounding and then we form our own realities, limitations, possibles and impossibles. We see others walking and know that its possible for me too. In the whole process of we growing up we would have got enough information and programming from our surrounding to make the person we are.
when we are grown up we have formed our own reality we know 'what we can' and 'what we cannot do' that again comes from the programming we had.

Everyone of us lives in a different world and different reality.

In fact, there are six billion+ realities taking place on earth right now, this very moment. Six billion!
And every single one of them is different. With six billion different lists of rules for what is possible and what isn’t. With six Billion different perceptions of one event. With six billion different ideas of what truth, morals, and justice mean.

Now for us to move to the Right Quadrant we need to be aware of our realities first and examine whether these realities are helping us or sabotaging us. If we are programmed against rich people we can never be one. Have you been programmed that money is bad, rich people are evil, and it is spiritual to be poor?

Now the key to all this is that -We have the power to completely create the rules that define our reality. And you can do it instantly. What was impossible today, can be possible tomorrow if you desire it to be.
In any situation, the ideas, concepts, and beliefs of the person with the strongest reality will be adopted by the other party.

Have you ever heard that saying that “sales are a transfer of belief from one person to another”? Well that’s what that means.
When a sale is made, it means that your belief, or your reality, was stronger than the other person’s, and so they adopted it. They bought what you were selling because they bought into your reality.
Your reality is a reflection of the way you see yourself inside.
If you TRULY believe you are already successful, then you will automatically do the things that successful people do, which will automatically attract other successful people.
Entrepreneurs decide to define their own reality. They have come to understand that they have this power.

They constantly create, and re-create the rules by which this world operates based on new experiences and new knowledge.
They continually expand their universe by accepting new rules of possibility discovered through reading, listening, and learning about the realities of others who have what they seek.

There are business building strategies and techniques which can change your life forever in minutes. Powerful things which are already part of other people’s reality.
All you need to do is expose yourself to these people’s worlds, and open yourself up to it. Be willing to adopt the rules they live by, and do business by.

Idea’s you’ve never had will start to flood you mind.
The outside world you live in will slowly begin to change as you place new rules upon it.

And as you do, your rules will change. Things which were once impossible for you, will become possible.

When your level of belief about a new rule you set for yourself becomes stronger than your current belief, then your world will change and you will have what you seek…

Belief comes first. Results come second.

Define your new reality. Live it. Sleep it. Dream it. And your life will become it.