In this Information age Real Money is there in our Heads, we have to transform it... to use it properly for our benefit.
When i decided to be an Engineer, i knew that i have to study for 4 long years then only i will be eligible to get a job. Same way when i decided to shift to the Right Quadrant(Business and Investment Owner) i should know that i have to do lot of Learning and Unlearning, that i have to increase my world knowledge and Financial IQ.
The reason I started Network Marketing with RMP is so that i can learn the most important aspect of Business that is "Sales". When i started my business initially it all looked like next to death, i failed maximum times and did maximum sales now i am very good at it.
Important skills required for Business are
- Sales
- Accounting
- People Management
- Leadership
As written in my previous article about Four things that keeps us broke there are

- Taxes- Do you know that you pay 42-48% in direct and indirect taxes
- Inflation - Every year 10-15% inflation, that is Rs. 100 last year is Rs.85 this year
- Debt- We have loans to pay, which have 12%-32% interest rates
- Retirement- Amount we save for retirement is eaten up by the inflation and taxes
I pay zero in Taxes Legally,
I have investment which are hedge against the inflation
I have Good Debt which give me asset more than the interest i pay on them
I don't plan to save for retirement but build wealth for my retirement
In today's worlds "Savers are Losers". As quoted in Robert Kiyosaki's new book "An Unfair Advantage"- " The Total worldwide supply of money is approximately $60 trillion. The US government's accumulated deficits & liabilities are over $70 trillion. I.e. all the money in the world could not cover the US government deficits"
This for common people like us means that there is no value left in currencies, it is just paper printed and distributed as money. Every time money is printed it reduces the value of all the money that exists in circulation. US is printing money in the form of Quantitative Easing.
History always repeats so the Next money is Precious Metals like Gold and Silver.
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