Oct 26, 2009

Hidden value of Network Marketing

Today we are going to discuss the hidden value of network marketing: Life-Changing Business Education.

While we grow up and go to school we are taught by our teachers a couple of things. We are taught that in order to be successful in life we need to study hard so we can get a safe, secure job with benefits.

We are taught to be obedient to our supervisors because they know what is best for us unless you don't want to get promoted.

There is also some important things that we are not taught in school. We are not taught how to build our own successful business that will make us rich and financially independent.

We are not taught how to sell, which is a very important life skill. Whether you realize it or not we all are trying to sell something everyday.

We are trying to sell ourselves to the opposite gender, so that one day we may be married. We try to sell our bosses on getting that new raise or promotion.

We are also not taught how to invest our money, so we can have money working for us instead of us working for money.

They teach how to pick stocks but stock picking is not investing. A monkey can diversify a portfolio of mutual funds for crying out loud!

Some of the more important real-life business subjects network marketing companies teach are:

1. An attitude of success

2. Leadership skills

3. Sales skills

4. Marketing skills

5. Communication skills

6. People skills

7. Overcoming personal fears, doubts, and lack of confidence

8. Overcoming the fear of rejection

9. Money management skills

10. Investing skills

11. Accountability skills

12. Time management skills

13. Goal setting

Unlike school or the corporate world in network marketing you are encouraged to learn by making mistakes, correcting, and getting smarter mentally as well as emotionally.

That is life-changing education.

If you are a person who is terrified of making mistakes and afraid of failing, then I believe a network marketing business with a great educational program is especially good for you.

If you are afraid of making mistakes then a good network marketing progrzm could be the best long-term personal development program for you.