Oct 3, 2009

Hi Octane team of all Diamonds in RMP INFOTEC PRIVATE LIMITED.

Hi-Octane is the team formed by all Diamonds and above in RMP INFOTEC PRIVATE LIMITED.
a truly amazing team which aspires to build a prosperous India by 2020.

Hi-Octane conducted its Grand Finale of 30 city Tour in Christ College Bangalore on 2nd October i.e., Gandhi Jayanti. Theme of this amazing program was to fight against recession and fight for the Financial Freedom for every Indian.

Program was blessed with the presence of Diamonds, Blue Diamonds, Royal Diamonds, Crown Diamonds and Mr. Dr. M Shumsudeen (Doctorate in Network Marketing).

Speeches from Crown Diamonds Mr. ABHILASH THOMAS, Mr. PRITHVI RAJ and Mr. VINOD SOLOMAN that moved and inspired the Future Billionaires.

Stay tuned for those amazing words.