Facebook Inc made us all think that we have entered Information age, that world is moving at very fast pace and now when Google Launched Google+ on 28th June 2011 we surely are facing a revolution in information Technology.
Friends if we see history we can see the speed at which information technology is changing for ex: Radio took 38 years to have 50 million Users, TV took 13 years, Internet took 4 years, Ipod 3years for 50 million and Facebook took just 9 months for 100 million Users which is currently having more that 750 million active users.
Then came lots and lots of Social medias which reduced the information spread time. Blogger, Twitter and Facebook changed the way businesses operate.90% of all businesses have their presence in Social Media. All businesses today have a dedicated and active page in Facebook.
Before we all thought that Social Media has become a Fad, but in true sense Social Media has created a Big Shift in Thinking.
"Before We used to go in search of Products and services, but now Products and Services come in our search, to where we are!"
With Google+ Circles and sparks concept, companies will be very easily be able to identify their customers tastes and preferences to build and market the right product and also get their genuine feedback. So Big shift in market place!
Even Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has joined Google+, although his profile page has just one update: a change to his profile picture. Larry Page also has a single public post.
Its a great new experience with Google plus, to sum the features lets start with Google circles
The easiest way to share some things with college buddies, others with your parents and almost nothing with your boss.It’s no secret that Circles are a huge part of what the service is supposed to be about. Google has spent a lot of time and energy working on what they believe to be the correct system for grouping people together for the purpose of sharing content online. But again, right now, most people seem to be sharing to “Public” and not actually using their Circles.
You share different things with different people. So sharing the right stuff with the right people shouldn’t be a hassle. Circles makes it easy to put your friends from Saturday night in one circle, your parents in another, and your boss in a circle by himself - just like real life.
Like face book has "join Group" , Google+ has "join this hangout"
With Hangouts, the unplanned meet-up comes to the web for the first time. We can let specific buddies (or entire circles) know that we’re hanging out and then see who drops by for a face-to-face-to-face chat. Until teleportation arrives, it’s the next best thing.
Friends if we see history we can see the speed at which information technology is changing for ex: Radio took 38 years to have 50 million Users, TV took 13 years, Internet took 4 years, Ipod 3years for 50 million and Facebook took just 9 months for 100 million Users which is currently having more that 750 million active users.
Then came lots and lots of Social medias which reduced the information spread time. Blogger, Twitter and Facebook changed the way businesses operate.90% of all businesses have their presence in Social Media. All businesses today have a dedicated and active page in Facebook.
Before we all thought that Social Media has become a Fad, but in true sense Social Media has created a Big Shift in Thinking.
"Before We used to go in search of Products and services, but now Products and Services come in our search, to where we are!"
Even Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has joined Google+, although his profile page has just one update: a change to his profile picture. Larry Page also has a single public post.
Its a great new experience with Google plus, to sum the features lets start with Google circles
The easiest way to share some things with college buddies, others with your parents and almost nothing with your boss.It’s no secret that Circles are a huge part of what the service is supposed to be about. Google has spent a lot of time and energy working on what they believe to be the correct system for grouping people together for the purpose of sharing content online. But again, right now, most people seem to be sharing to “Public” and not actually using their Circles.
You share different things with different people. So sharing the right stuff with the right people shouldn’t be a hassle. Circles makes it easy to put your friends from Saturday night in one circle, your parents in another, and your boss in a circle by himself - just like real life.
Like face book has "join Group" , Google+ has "join this hangout"
With Hangouts, the unplanned meet-up comes to the web for the first time. We can let specific buddies (or entire circles) know that we’re hanging out and then see who drops by for a face-to-face-to-face chat. Until teleportation arrives, it’s the next best thing.