Recently i came across an article in RMP Tools
They had some Brochures and Plan book there which i ordered and was highly impressed by the Quality and the details taken care in the choice of colors for the Tools
FMP Brochures is an excellent copy to promote to your Team, because finally FMP income is what we all should target as it is the ultimate source of unlimited Income. the color choosen for this is vibrant Blue.
Psychology of Color: Blue
Trust, Reliability, Belonging, Refreshing & Coolness.
Ask people their favorite color and a clear majority will say blue. Much of the world is blue (skies, seas). Seeing the color blue actually causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming; many bedrooms are blue because it's calm, restful color. Over the ages blue has become associated with steadfastness, dependability, wisdom and loyalty (note how many uniforms are blue). People tend to be more productive in a blue room because they are calm and focused on the task at hand. Some studies are showing that weight lifters can lift more weight in a blue gym - in fact, nearly all sports are enhanced in blue surroundings.
Professional Presentation Book is surely a proffesional way to promote your business

Cheerful yellow the color of the sun, associated with laughter, happiness and good times. A person surrounded by yellow feels optimistic because the brain actually releases more seratonin (feel good chemical in the brain) when around this color. It is the color associated with optimism. It has the power to speed up our metabolism and bring out some creative thoughts Effective tool in marketing to greater sales. Very well Design and surely Best alternate to Laptop Presentation.
First Steps Basic Training

It is well written book for a new distributor and a basic thing which even a Diamond should keep doing in this business. We can have Dream List and Our Success Record in this book.
You should order for these Tools for Exponential Growth for your Team. Contact page for these is