Network Marketing or MLM ( Multi Level Marketing) i s a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a down line of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation.
Some of the Factors that is affecting the Network Marketing (MLM) companies in India.
a. Retail Sector Growth
b. Huge Population
c. High Thinking/English Speaking crowd
d. Huge Market
Although statistically speaking there is a big difference between the two as the size of the domestic retail sector is pegged at 1.35 Lakh Cr. On the other hand, the direct selling industry currently stands at Rs 4500 crore. In order to get its act together the Indian Direct Selling Association is in talks with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs to give the direct selling business industry a status and design a framework with the dos and don'ts of direct selling in India.
India stands 11th overall among the top 25 countries world wide in the number of sales consultants present within the direct selling network, and 23rd in terms of the revenue generated through direct selling
There is no doubt that the retail sector in India is on an upswing and is now being considered to be the next sunshine industry but as India's direct selling industry gears up for the future in a collective way, can it give the retail sector a run for its money?
1. RMP Infotec PvtLtd Estd. 2001 Chennai India
2. Amway India Corp Estd. 1995 NCR Delhi India
3. ModicareLimited Estd.1996 Delhi India
4. HerbalifeInternational India Pvt. Ltd. Estd.1996 Commissariat Rd, Bangalore, India
5. Oriflame IndiaPvt Ltd Estd. 1995 Connaught place, NCR Delhi, India
6. Tupperware India Pvt Ltd Estd. 1996,Gurgoan India
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